Don't all good stories begin that way? How about your story?
Are you ready for your "Once Upon A Time"?
Once upon a time when mom and dad were young; we bought our first home. You were not even born yet.
Once upon a time, after that really hard time in our lives; we began again and we found the home that we live in to this day.
Once upon a time: we had nothing at all. But after years of living on such tight budgets and not taking vacations and wearing used clothes for so many years; our dream finally came true and we bought the home of our dreams. The home where we began our family.
Once upon a time when my parents finally retired; they went out and bought the most beautiful country home right on the lake. We shared so so many great years there with them until they were too old to go there any more sadly. But this home that you and your sister and brother now enjoy is because of their many years of hard work and determination to leave something amazing; something wonderful; for us all to go on loving and sharing and creating many more memories.
Once upon a time when it was just mom and the three of you; mom worked while grandma watched you for days, weeks, months and years all to help make our dream of owning our own first home. We owe grandma so very much.
So; how does your "Once Upon A Time" story go? Are your writing it now?
Well, one day your story will turn the page and I will appear! Yes; I will. In your story I will be the wonderful, knowledgeable and truly caring Realtor who guided you to your "Once Upon A Time".
So; until that day, just know that I am here just working in someone elses story at the moment and I can hardly wait to meet you when it is that day and that time for me to become ....... part of your "Once Upon A Time"
